Gunn Tax Communication B.V. was established in 2019 by siblings Anna and Thom Gunn, operating from Leiden, the Netherlands. We are both bilingual (English/Dutch) and specialised in the area of Dutch, EU and international direct taxation. Between us, we have over 20 years of hands-on experience in the tax sector, both as tax professionals and in academia.

Our company offers niche services in the field of tax, language, and communication. This includes specialised language training and translation services. We also offer behind-the-scenes technical support to tax advisory firms and companies in the area of tax communication, and can act as a critical sounding board in strategic discussions about fiscal ethics. 

Our logo is based on the shape of the Rosetta stone. This ancient stele, which is now to be found in the British Museum in London, contains three translations of the same text, namely in Ancient Greek, Demotic (an ancient Egyptian language) and Egyptian hieroglyphics. Until the discovery of the Stone, modern scholars had been unable to decipher the last language. The cipher in our logo is in fact the letter ‘te’ taken from the language Linear B. Amongst other things, it appears in the word ‘tax collector’.